Free Meals Project

Girl Up Manipur's Free Meals Project

What is Free Meals Project ?

Free Meals Project is an initiative by Girl Up Manipur to provide free meals for COVID-19 patients who are unable to afford the meals and are isolated at home. 

Who can avail the meals ?
  • Free meals are available for COVID-19 patients who are isolated at home in Imphal area only.
  • Patients must provide their medical report showing COVID-positive status.
  • Meals will be provided only on genuine grounds of non-affordability and financial inconvenience.
  • Home-isolated patients who are staying alone and have no attendant can avail the meal.
  • Meals can be available for a maximum of 5 days i.e. can be renewed 4 times only. Patients have to renew their meal order everyday.
How can I avail the meals ?

You can send in your request for free meals by filling this form 

Note: Patients or their attendee should necessarily contact a day prior .

    Meal Time

    Diet Type

    Covid Status

    Financial Status


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